So Young Pak

So Young has been working with Dream Canada International since 2003, and had the immense role of director for since 2014! She is the glue that holds us all together, the bridge between the Korea, as well as the hardest working, most faith-filled woman you will find. Her heart for the program is to see students have an amazing experience in Canada which will direct their eyes to Jesus.


Karen Dalziel

Karen is our host family coordinator! Her passion to support host homes in their endeavours to love and care for our international students comes from a place of immense experience as a host parent. Karen and her husband, Andrew, along with her two young boys, have housed more than 30 Dream Students since joining DCI!

Host families can expect to be supported in practical ways, as well as, in prayer during their time working with us.


Megan Bakunda

Megan is the office administrator for Dream Canada, and is passionate about being a supportive role for So Young, as well as, being a friendly face for the students during their time in Canada. Megan has a heart for teenagers and has been in youth ministry for 7 years.


As a teacher in Dream Canada International, our desire is for our teachers to take on the role of not just educator, but also become an example of godliness their role as teacher. Being able to manage cultural differences, behavioural corrections, as well as lesson planning with Christ-like grace.


Lesley Lawson

Mrs. Lawson is our Advanced ESL class teacher! She has extensive experience teaching English as a second language, and has enjoyed the Dream School students as her most recent pupils! We feel very honored to have Mrs. Lawson teaching our students!

Emily Peters

Mrs. Peters is the teacher for the Beginner ESL class for our program! Mrs. Peters and has risen to the challenge of instructing the beginner level students and encouraging them to believe they can grow in their abilities! In addition to teaching, Mrs. Peters also serves in our weekly activities!

Jeongmo Heo

Daniel has been teaching math at DCI for over a year and enjoys spending time with our students! DCI students love tapping into his brilliant mind.

Nick Toews

Mr. Toews is the Intermediate ESL class teacher for Dream Canada! Though this is his first ESL teaching position, he has been a wonderful addition to the school staff! His calm and consistent demeanor is absolutely an asset for our students! In addition to teaching, Mr. Toews also serves in our weekly activities!

Ah Jin Kim

Ah Jin is one of our math teachers and also has a heart for encouraging students in their relationship with God! In addition to teaching Math, she is our beloved Art Club teacher!

Activity Staff

During our program, we have two slots in the student’s weekly schedule where the students are able to try their hand at various activities! Our activity staff are committed to not only facilitating the activities for the students but also connecting with them, encouraging them to try new things, and build them up as they face fears and challenges!


Joyce Langton

Mrs. Langton is our lead activity coordinator - among a plethora of other responsibilities! Joyce also drives our school bus after pursuing and acquiring her class 4 license! She has been an invaluable asset to our team!


Brittney Neetz

Brittney is one of our beloved activity staff and we are grateful for her energy, kindness, and enthusiasm in facilitating the students during their activity block!